This 22-Year-Old Used A Crowdfunding Campaign To Travel Through All 29 States In 150 Days

This 22-Year-Old Used A Crowdfunding Campaign To Travel Through All 29 States In 150 Days

Subramanian explained that he tried out different professions in different cities, and never slept in a hotel even once.

This is 22-year-old Rohith Subramanian from Chennai, who is currently biking across India.

This is 22-year-old Rohith Subramanian from Chennai, who is currently biking across India.
Rohith Subramanian

Last year, Subramanian started a crowdfunding campaign and raised about ₹5 lakhs, to quench his thirst for travelling.

Last year, Subramanian started a crowdfunding campaign and raised about ₹5 lakhs, to quench his thirst for travelling.
Rohith Subramanian

Subramaniam explained that his urge to travel emerged after he read a story about a 40-year-old American who had a bucket list, but always made excuses.

Subramaniam explained that his urge to travel emerged after he read a story about a 40-year-old American who had a bucket list, but always made excuses.
Rohith Subramanian
“He had lived a life full of regrets. My life was about this very moment – am I happy doing what I am doing?” he said.
“Monotony was something I didn’t like. Same routine of waking up, going to work, hanging out with a bunch of friends, sleeping became boring after some point hence I said let’s make everyday new. I meet new people everyday, do new things everyday,” Subramanian told BuzzFeed. Things became real after a brand approached him and said they’d fund his journey.

It’s been 160 days since he hit the road, and he’s travelled to 34 states and union territories by clocking 32,000 kilometres.

“I have two rules about the trips: I don’t stay in hotels, and I do one new profession in each state I visit.”

Subramanian explained that he usually has a host in every country, but there are times where he’s slept at petrol pumps, police stations and bus stops. “It’s amazing to see how kind the world is when you actually get out there. Every state I went to, I happen to do a new profession like a ice cream seller in Tamil Nadu, a vada pav wala in Mumbai, bartender in Goa, farmer in Assam, fisherman in Manipur.”

Subramanian explained that so far, he’s loved every place he’s been, but he loved Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh.

“You connect with nature and you live life for the very moment. Nothing is constant around you when you ride everything keeps changing every passing moment and all you can do is sit and live in reality.”

Subramanian said that he’s met some amazing people along the way, heard some interesting stories, discovered many hidden places and now, has a home to stay in every state in India.

Subramanian said that he's met some amazing people along the way, heard some interesting stories, discovered many hidden places and now, has a home to stay in every state in India.
“I am off to Europe in a month’s time and will ride across the continent. 46 countries to begin with, and the whole world to take on as time progresses,” he added.


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